Montgomery County Domestic Abuse Resources
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, we want you to know that help is available. Montgomery County's Family Justice Center co-locates multiple agencies in a safe and secure facility to provide coordinated advocacy, government, civil legal services and social services for victims of domestic violence and their children. All the services at the Family Justice Center are free of charge and can be provided in any language. To find out more, click on the button below.
Other Resources

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has an extensive resource page.
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
Focus Ministries has information and insight for those dealing with abuse.
A Book List provided by the Ananias Foundation for counselors and people caught up on either side of an abusive relationship
Resources for educating churches and helping victims from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
The Christian Coalition Against Domestic Abuse
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
Focus Ministries has information and insight for those dealing with abuse.
A Book List provided by the Ananias Foundation for counselors and people caught up on either side of an abusive relationship
Resources for educating churches and helping victims from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
The Christian Coalition Against Domestic Abuse
Get Connected with a Faith community
It is so important to be connected with others before a crisis hits. Pastor Zeke is the past president of the Interfaith Community Against Domestic Violence. He writes, "When our hearts were broken by the tragic deaths of three children who were very dear to us, like godchildren, we (along with the children's mother) were fortunate to be able to lean into the support and comfort of our church community. While I handled the media attention, my wife walked alongside the grieving mom for months, while others in our community mowed her grass, sent meals, and prayed daily. It is hard for me to overstate the importance of being connected in community when a crisis strikes."
If you are not already connected with a church community, consider connecting this week. Here at Greater Grace Community Church, we want you to experience the love of God through our church family.
If you are not already connected with a church community, consider connecting this week. Here at Greater Grace Community Church, we want you to experience the love of God through our church family.