Holy Week culminates in Easter Sunday on April 20

Make this your most meaningful Easter season yet.
Join us for either of our Palm Sunday services at 9:15 or 11 AM on April 13. The children's egg hunt will be after the 11:00 service.
Our Good Friday service will be on April 18 at 7 PM.
Finally, our Easter Sunday services will be at 9:15 and 11:00 AM on April 20.
Gather with us for uplifting music and inspiring messages that will renew your hope and bring you joy. 

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The Storm before the calm

The weeks leading up to Easter will feature a series called The Storm Before the Calm. Centered on Isaiah 53, this series will address important themes like purpose in pain, grief, rejection, along with asking profound questions like why does God allow suffering? This very special series is for everyone who has struggled with the storms of life, providing insight into today's suffering and giving hope for a better tomorrow.